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TechTrek Professional Women's Night

The AAUW Educational Foundation presented a Mayan Art Show and Mayan Meal on February 24, 2007

Carlotta Giangualano was born in the city of Torreon, State of Cohahuila, Mexico; she was raised by her grandmother Mila and educated in the Mayan culture. Her grandmother Mila was a healer and spiritual leader of the people in her own home-state of Quintana Roo.

Carlotta's paintings depict topics such as her personal relationship with her Mayan shaman grandmother, information regarding the Mayan culture, agriculture, astronomy, astrology, methods of medicine, religious themes, architecture and industry.

Carlotta discussed the Mayan culture and beliefs, and presented some of her many paintings representing these beliefs.

Slide shows of her paintings are on her website, and may be accessed by clicking on the paintings below.
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Creation paintings
Creation paintings - click to view
Heaven paintings
Heaven paintings - click to view



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